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Tea Party game: Interpersonal skills & Basic manners

    Image by svklimkin from Pixabay

    Tea Party game: Interpersonal skills & Basic manners

    Here is an activity idea to help children develop interpersonal skills and basic manners in a fun way! 

    Have a pretend tea party to practise table manners, showing kind regards to others and sunnahs of eating and drinking. Then progress to real tea parties. 

    Captain Quarter card game 

    Sit around a table with empty plates 

    Have a collection of coins or bottle caps 

    Devise a stack of cards with questions pertaining to table manners

    Take turns to answer the questions 

    Each person with a correct answer places a coin on his/her plate

    The one with the most coins wins

    Ideas for questions on the cards (adapted from the book More creative coping skills for children by B. Thomas)

    Bramblebeard accidentally lets out a loud burp. What should he say?
    Oh my that was a loud one! 
    Excuse me, pardone me, apologies 
    Cabinlass jilly would like some biscuits from the far end of the table. How should he get them? 
    Stretch his hands across and grab them
    Ask someone to pass them to him 
    Wait patiently for it to be passed round the table